The Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies is an institute which offers practical knowledge and professional expertise in business administration. Students learn comprehensive theories about "management strategies”, “marketing", "financing”, “organizational management" etc., while also studying topics that are actually emerging in today's business world, directly from professors with business backgrounds.
Courses will be conducted through lectures, question-and-answer sessions, discussions, presentations, etc., and vary depending on the nature of each course. Grading is based on daily participation in the classroom, assigned reports, and the student's performance in the final exam.
One of the merits of enrolling in our Institute is the drafting of a business plan. The truly distinctive feature of this Institute is that students get to produce not only a Master's thesis but also a Business Plan in the course of their studies in management knowhow. The knowledge gained while planning and drawing up a business plan can be utilized in the future when starting up one's own business as an entrepreneur, or when making new business expansion proposals at the company one belongs to. All instructions toward these goals are conducted in a small-classroom seminar format, and are headed by experienced business practitioners who will teach students practical skills.
At our Institute, besides our Japanese students, we also welcome international students from all over the world. Many of our Japanese students are at the forefront of business, working with various companies and industries while attending our Institute. Through Japanese students and international students learning together, a mutual learning process is created that involves the exchange of information and experiences—one that will, in the future, create a global network and become a valuable asset.
Depending on the students' country of origin, graduation dates for universities vary. At our Institute, we have set up two different enrollment opportunities (spring enrollment or fall enrollment) in order to adjust the application process with respect to international students' graduation times.
Learn the basics of Excel, as well as the concepts necessary to handle major functions, analytical tools, and statistics
Learn about sales cost calculation and how to evaluate inventories, the contents of which are equivalent to the Official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping 3rd Grade
To help you pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). level N1 or higher, and to help you master conversational skills, enabling you to follow lectures
Well-known academics and managers from diverse industries deliver special lectures as guest lecturers
We collect recruitment information from across Japan, and introduce you to employment or internship opportunities
MBA is an acronym for 'Master of Business Administration' and through its courses students will systematically learn themes pertaining to management for organizations such as people resources, products/services, money, and information technology
At the Institute, MBA (Professional career) will be awarded to students who have earned both the 34 or more credits from designated subjects necessary for completion and created a feasible business plan approved by internal review.
Field | Course Name |
Basic Subjects | Survey of Business Administration |
Corporate and Business Strategy | |
Marketing | |
Financial Accounting | |
Analysis of Financial Statements | |
Corporate Finance | |
Organization Theory/Organizational Behavior | |
Human Resource Management/Leadership |
Field | Course Name |
Basic Subjects | Management of Technology |
Basic Technology of Information Systems | |
Supply Chain Management | |
Business Ethics | |
The Method of Business Planning * 1 | |
Entrepreneurship | |
Statistical Data Analysis | |
Managerial Accounting |
Field | Course Name | |
Advanced Subjects | Management Strategy |
Special Course in Management Strategy |
SME Growth Strategy | ||
Service Management | ||
Strategy Case Study * 2 | ||
Global Marketing | ||
Management Science * 2 | ||
Marketing Research | ||
Business Model Innovation | ||
Financial Affairs |
Risk Management | |
Tax Law I | ||
Tax Law II | ||
Special Course in Tax Law | ||
Information Technology |
IT Solutions | |
Strategy of ICT Management | ||
Artificial intelligence (AI) and its Application |
* 1 Students must take this course within the first year.
* 2 The start of this year's course is undecided.
* 3 It is a condition of taking the course that you have completed the credits of "Practice I".
Field | Course Name | |
Advanced Subjects | Entrepreneurship | Entrepreneur Finance |
Corporate Venture Strategies | ||
Entrepreneurial of Ventures | ||
Advancement of Succession in SMEs. | ||
Business Environments |
Business in Global Economy | |
Corporation law | ||
Regional Innovation | ||
Business Field Research | ||
Tourism Management | ||
Welfare Business | ||
Sport Business | ||
Emerging Markets and Japanese Local Companies |
Field | Course Name |
Seminars | Seminar I * 1 |
Seminar II * 3 |
President, Professor
Soutome Masayoshi
Karaki Kouichi
Vice President in Charge of Regional/International Affairs, Professor
Tomiyama Eiko
Vice President in Charge of Industry-University Collaboration, Professor
Kuroda Tatsuya
Hiromi Asano
Yasushi Ichimori
Otsuka Akira
Kishida Nobuyuki
Komamiya Fumihiro
Satomi Yasuhiro
Sugimoto Hitoshi
Suzuki Hiroki
Hata Nobuyuki
Watanabe Tomoaki
Associate Professor
Suzuki Yuya
Jin Honghua
The number of Universities that enter into a partnership with our Institute is growing every year. Aside from regions in Asia such as China and the ASEAN members, we have developed partnerships with locations in European countries including Italy and Hungary, as well as locations in Russia's Far East. Our plans are to accept outstanding students from more and more new locations around the globe.
Italy | University of Turin |
India | Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth |
Indonesia | Darma Presada University / Udayana University Mahasaraswati University of Denpasar |
Ukraine | National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute” / University < Kyiv School of Economics > |
Uzbekistan | Samarkand State Institute Of Foreign Language / University of World Economy and Diplomacy |
Kazakhstan | Al-Farabi Kazakh National University / Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages |
Korea | Woosuk University |
Cambodia | Royal University of Phnom Penh / Cambodian Mekong University |
Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyz National University Named After Jusup Balasagyn |
Slovakia | Faculty of Arts, Comenius University / Pan-European University |
Thailand | University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce / Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology |
China | Yanbian University / Dalian University Yancheng Teachers University / Jilin Business and Technology College |
Hungary | Budapest Business School / Dharma Gate Buddhist College Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church in Hungary Davos Lorand University |
Vietnam | Foreign Trade University / Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus Hanoi University / University of Languages and International Studies, VNU Hue University College of Foreign Languages / The University of Da Nang , University of Foreign Language Studies / Thang Long University / Dong A University |
Mongolia | National University of Mongolia Business school /school of Arts and Sciences Mongolian University of Science and Technology University of Finance and Economics,Mongolia / Graduate University of Mongolia |
Russia | Saint-Petersburg Institute of International Trade, Economics and Law / Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service / Far-Eastern State University of the Humanities Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law / Maritime State University Named After Admiral.G.I. Nevelskoy / Far Eastern Federal University |
Ni Luh Putu Miraheni
From Mahasaraswati University of Denpasar, Indonesia (Enrolled in October 2018)
As the Balinese lifestyle has started to change in response to modernization and globalization, more and more families cannot afford to take care of their elderly parents. In this context, I believe the Japanese business model of a small-scale, multi-functional in-home care service will be useful in the future aging society. One of my dreams is to open a privately-run nursing home as a new form of a home for the elderly in Bali, drawing on the Japanese style business model so that both parents and children can be happy as their parents enjoy the rest of their life in comfort.
Nemeth Vivien
From Eatvos Lorand University, Hungary (Enrolled in October 2018)
As I have always been interested in medicine due to my family background, I would like to conduct a comparative analysis of national health insurance in the welfare systems of Hungary and that of Japan to produce a research article focusing on the reform of the medical system in Hungary, which I would like to submit as a proposal. Furthermore, I would like to use the knowledge I have gained at the Institute to improve not only the business relationship, but also the diplomatic relationship, between Japan and Hungary but also the diplomatic one.
Zagdkhorol Tsembeldulam
From National University of Mongolia, Mongolia (Enrolled in October 2018)
In the present situation, where it is clear that conventional forms of business can no longer provide an adequate response amid the rapid momentum of progress in technological innovations and globalization, not only in IT but in a wide range of fields, I would like to be a leader who can carry out analysis and evaluation of the current situation and determine new values. I would like to understand diverse values in business, to be sensitive to needs, and to act as a liaison in business between Mongolia and Japan.
Prum Thear
From Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Enrolled in October 2018)
In the future, I want to open "Japanese Business Human Resource Training School." to develop human resources. To work toward this goal, at present, I am not only gaining a basic knowledge of business at the Institute but also attending special lectures that equip me with the knowledge necessary for my goal of establishing a unique school that meets the needs of Cambodian students. I am also developing a business plan in consultation with my seminar tutor.
Wang Chenhuan
From Yanbian University, China (Enrolled in October 2018)
In the future, I would like to find a job in Japan to carry out the business plan I developed in the Institute. While Chinese society is also aging fast, it lags behind Japan in developing human resources in welfare. Upon graduation, I would first like to find a job in a company providing care to learn about the realities of the job. Then, I would like to work on a project to develop human resources in collaboration with specialized welfare schools in China, making the most of knowledge and connections I will have gained while studying in Japan.
Suppawit Paisitannan
From Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Thailand (Enrolled in April 2019)
When I was in my fourth year at the university, I decided to study further to expand my learning about business so that I could one day begin my own business. My goals are to interact with as diverse a range of people as possible, to learn more about management, and to actively participate in entrepreneurship seminars and lectures. I also aim to pass the Official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping, 3rd Grade, and find employment with a Japanese company.
Anvarov Zafar
From Jizzakh Polytechnical Institute, Uzbekistan (Enrolled in April 2019)
There is no one who does not have a dream in the world. I have many dreams. One of them is to set up my own business dealing with trade in the future. This is because I am very interested in trade. Knowledge about management strategy, marketing, risk management, and service management will certainly help me realize my dreams in the future. Upon graduation, I would like to find a job with a company dealing with international trade in Japan to develop my capacity further.
Todkari Srushti Shrikant
From Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, India (Enrolled in October 2019)
Since up to now I have never studied management or had any experience of it, I want to take courses in business strategy and risk management at the Institute in order to gain knowledge about management and discover Japan' s unique management style and etiquette. Also, I would like to learn about maintenance and expertise in Japanese water utilities. Then, I hope to get a job with a Japanese company. I would like to compare the strategies of local authorities with the strategies of private companies involved in the water business in order to analyze and study them. In the future I would like to introduce best practice into solving water problems in India.
Doan Thi Hong Tham
From Foreign Trade University, Vietnam (Enrolled in April 2019)
I want to be in a position in the future to contribute to both Vietnam and Japan. I intend to establish an online Japanese language center in Vietnam utilizing the Internet. My ambition is not only to develop highly-skilled human resources fluent in Japanese but also to match highly-skilled Vietnamese professionals with Japanese enterprises via the Internet. I will use the management strategies, and marketing and service management know-how acquired at the Institute in order to compile a brilliant business plan, acquire adequate knowledge and skills, and fulfill my dreams.
Nyi Ye Htet
From Mandalay University of Foreign Languages, Myanmar (Enrolled in October 2019)
After graduating, I worked in a local Japanese enterprise in Myanmar. I realised that in an actual business situation, not only knowledge of languages, but also knowledge of economics, the power to innovate and the ability to grasp contemporary trends are also important. Human resources capable of responding to the changing world economy are also needed. For this reason, I decided to enroll at this Institute to know more about management and economics and acquire the abilities needed for problem-solving. That was why I enrolled at the Institute. In the future I hope to create a production factory in Myanmar.
For international students who are coming to Japan for the first time, or for students who are moving to Niigata from different prefectures in Japan, we helps them find suitable apartments at an affordable cost. We have many property suggestions from real estate agents working with our Institute, who can provide safe and reliable housing options.
Nadia Dyah Prawita
From Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia (Enrolled in April 2019)
Chen Chang
From Zhejiang Yuexiu Foreign Language College, China (Enrolling in April 2019)
Chen Ziying
From Nanfang College of Sun Yat-sen University, China (Enrolling in April 2019)
As the Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies is a seven-minute walk from Niigata Station, in the center of the city, our students can easily find part-time work. Most of our students are engaged in restaurant service/ office work, among others, alongside their studies.
Example of average income | |
Monetary Support from Home | 10,000 yen |
Part-time job | 60,000 yen |
Total | 70,000 yen |
Example of average expenses | |
Rent | 35,000 yen |
Heat,light,and water | 5,000 yen |
Mobile phone,other | 10,000 yen |
Food | 20,000 yen |
Total | 70,000 yen |
Spring in Niigata is blessed not only with cherry blossoms, which are a symbol of the season, but with beautiful tulips. Niigata boasts the number one shipping volume of tulips in Japan.
Enjoy the ocean view in Niigata, Japan’s biggest city on the coast of the Sea of Japan. The grace of the sun will shine upon you, along with the refreshing summer breeze.
Autumn in Niigata is heralded by the breathtaking fall colors in countless shades of red and yellow.
Autumn in Niigata is heralded by the breathtaking fall colors in countless shades of red and yellow.
Our Institute offers a tuition exemption/reduction system to give financial aid for international students who have educational goals that are in line with our founding principles, and who have shown themselves to have outstanding character and dear goals after attaining of their MBAs.
Regular fees (including entrance fee) |
●Tuition fee : 3,000,000 yen |
International students' fees (including entrance fee) |
●Tuition up to 1.4 million yen reduction |
Organization Name | Name of Scholarship | Amount * | Terms * |
JASSO Japan Student Services Organization | Overseas Students Enrollment Promotion Program | 48,000 yen/month | 1 year |
Heiwa Nakajima Foundation | Scholarship for Foreign Students | 100,000 yen/month | 1 year |
Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation | Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Scholarship | 140,000 yen/month | 2 years |
SGH Foundation | Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students | 100,000 yen/month | 2 years |
Kyoritsu International Foundation | Kyoritsu Foundation Scholarship | 100,000 yen/month | 2 years |
※Scholarship amounts and terms may vary by year and enrollment semester.
Granted the Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation Scholarship
Nay New Nyein Thu
From Yangon University of Foreign Languages, Myanmar (Enrolled in April 2019)
Granted the Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation Scholarship
Vann Chanthy
From Royal University of Phnom Penn, Cambodia (Enrolled in April 2020)
Granted Hashiya Foundation Scholarship
Maulida Purwanti
From Mahasaraswati University of Denpasar, Indonesia (Enrolled in April 2019)
The Institute actively supports students to set up businesses through such facilities as special courses for entrepreneurs and an entrepreneurial preparation office on campus. Our Institute offers a "Career Support Office" and a "free Career Recommendation Center" to support our international students who wish to be employed and actively look for work in Japan. We are also strengthening our employment guidance efforts by collecting information not only in Niigata but also throughout Japan, and promoting the introduction of employment opportunities and internships through individual interviews with international students. We have been developing on job offers from Japanese companies that have made business expansion into the country of the students' origin.
Nguyen Duy Tuan
From Foreign Trade University, Vietnam (Acquired MBA in March 2012)
Dody Afrizal
From Mahasaraswati University of Denpasar, Indonesia (Acquired MBA in March 2019)
Oeurn Theara
From Cambodian Mekong University, Cambodia (Acquired MBA in March 2019)
Luvsanjav Naranzul
From Soyol Erdem University, Mongolia (Acquired MBA in September 2019)
Zhang Xin
From Hainan University, China (Acquired MBA in March 2020)
Baubekkyzy Zhansaya
From Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Graduate School, Kazakhstan (Acquired MBA in March 2020)
Hoang Thi Hanh Le
From Hanoi University Graduate School, Vietnam (Acquired MBA in September 2019)
Rotini Fe deric a
From University of Turin Graduate School, Italy (Acquired MBA in September 2019)
Rajadhyaksha Shalmali Shailesh
From Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, India (Acquired MBA in September 2019)
Hoàng Thế Hưng
From Foreign Trade University, Vietnam(Acquired MBA in March 2017)
Han Jisoo
From Wonkwang University, Republic of Korea(Acquired MBA in March 2015)
Duong Thu Hae
From Hanoi University, Vietnam(Acquired MBA in March 2019)
Applicants who meet all the following qualifications under (1) and (2) are eligible to apply.
Exam categories | Exam types | Test method ※ | Eligible Individuals | |||
Doc. review | Written exam | Task-based test | Interview | |||
Entrance exam of exchange agreement schools | Entrance exam with recommendation of exchange agreement schools | ○ | ○ | Applicants who graduated within the last five years (or will graduate) from a university with an exchange agreement with the Institute, and have been nominated by the university | ||
Entrance exam of designated schools | Entrance exam with recommendation of designated schools | ○ | ○ | Applicants who graduated within the last five years (or will graduate) from a university designated by the Institute, and have been nominated by the university | ||
Entrance exam for working adult | Entrance exam with recommendation of company | ○ | ○ | Applicants who have over two years of practical business experience, and have been nominated by their current company, corporation, government office, etc. | ||
Entrance exam for working adult | ○ | ○ | ※ | ○ | Applicants who have over two years of practical business experience | |
General entrance exam | General entrance exam | ○ | ○ | ※ | ○ | Applicants who have less than two years of practical business experience, and do not qualify for admission via recommendation. |
※Graduates from schools with an exchange agreement or designated schools, who do not or cannot receive a recommendation for examination as a selected candidate, will take a Task-based test instead of a Written exam.