仙石 正和
Sengoku Masakazu北海道大学 大学院工学研究科、博士課程修了。工学博士。
新潟大学工学部卒業(1967)、北海道大学 大学院工学研究科、博士課程修了(1972)。工学博士。大学で教育研究、情報通信工学の人材育成に従事。北海道大学助手(1972)、新潟大学助教授(1978)、新潟大学教授(1989)、工学部長(2003-2007)、理事・副学長(2008-2014)など歴任。新潟大学名誉教授(2014‐)。事業創造大学院大学 学長・教授(2014-2022)。事業創造大学院大学 名誉学長・名誉教授(2022‐)
専門領域は、情報通信工学(その中でも特に移動体通信へ関心を持つ)、ネットワーク工学、応用グラフ理論。電子情報通信学会論文賞(4回)、業績賞、功績賞、同学会フェロー・名誉員。電子情報通信学会基礎境界ソサエティ会長など歴任。日本シミュレーション学会、名誉会員。IEEE国際会議最優秀論文賞、IEEE Life Fellow、“Wireless Networks”(ACM, URSI)、“Journal of Communications and Networks”の Editor、“Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers”の regional editor、日本学術会議「通信・電子システム分科会」委員長など歴任。地域では、新潟日報文化賞受賞、信越情報通信懇談会会長、新潟県 IT&ITS 推進協議会会長、新潟情報通信研究所理事長など歴任。
Dr. Masakazu SENGOKU received the B. E. degree from Niigata University, Niigata Japan in 1967, and Ph.D. degree from Hokkaido University in 1972. In 1972, he joined as a Research Associate, Hokkaido University. In 1978, he was an Associate Professor, Niigata University and he was promoted to a Professor at Niigata University in 1989. He was Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University during 2003-2007. He was a Trustee and an Executive Vice President of Niigata University during 2008-2014, and since 2014 he has been a Professor Emeritus of Niigata University. He was President of Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies during 2014-2022, and since 2022 he has been President Emeritus and a Professor Emeritus of Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies.
His research interests include Information and Communication Technology (ICT): especially mobile communications, and Network Engineering, and Applied Graph Theory. He received Best Paper Awards from IEICE (IEICE: The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) four times and IEEE conference Best Paper Award. He received the Achievement Award of IEICE in 2005 and Distinguished Achievement and Contributions Award of IEICE in 2009. He was a member of Editorial Board, ACM, URSI, Wireless Networks, Kluwer Academic Pub., an editor of the Journal of Communications and Networks and a regional editor of Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientific. He was the President of Engineering Science Society, IEICE in 2003-2004 and the Chair of Communication & Electronic System subcommittee, Science Council of Japan in 2017-2020. He is a Life Fellow member of IEEE, a Fellow/Honorary member of IEICE, a Fellow/Honorary member of JSST.
▼IEEE Japan Councilから感謝状を受けられました
氏名 | 仙石 正和 |
著 書 | 「演習グラフ理論 ―基礎と応用―」共著(コロナ社 1983)、「電子情報通信ハンドブック」共著(電子情報通信学会編、オーム社 1989)、「新版情報処理ハンドブック」共著(情報処理学会編 オーム社 1995)、「電気の不思議 ―エレクトロニクスへの招待―」(編著 コロナ社 1995)、「工学力のデザイン」共著(丸善 2007)、「ネットワーク工学」共著(電子情報通信学会編、コロナ社、2020)、「Graph Theory and Mobile Communications」単著(World Scientific Pub. 2023)など。 |